Friday, November 6, 2009

Men's Group- what an idea!

I was not sure what to expect when I finally decided to attend the men's group program, on the invitation of David. Well, I was curious to know what it was all about, and was interested because much of their programs seem to be based on Jungian principles. But only men? While walking up a deserted road, I told Christoph, "I don't know if I will like this. I would prefer to have some women around!"
Though the name of the building sounded like 'temple',(I can't remember the name), it looked far from any place of worship. Apart from some native American symbols on the walls,drums etc., the place was bare. There were a few rooms (meeting rooms, David told me) and a hall, modestly decorated by long sarees of different colours (it seems the decoration was for a special event for which they invite women once a month). It was a man's place all right.
Not many turned up for the introductory session. Apart from Christoph and me, there were two others who came to see and experience, and then two, so called resource persons including David himself. We had to take an oath of confidentiality before you began the session. So I would not like to share what we actually said there. But I was quite taken up by the honesty and openness of the fellows.
It lasted all of an hour. And then we walking back to the train station. David clarified many of our doubts about the project. He seems to be into it. I can see that this has done a lot of good to him. I am not sure if I would want to continue.
It was a nice trip back with Christoph.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sajeev,
    I share your impressions. I did not know what to espect, but the openess fo our talks was very touching. One question that remains for me is how can we create such spaces in our daily life... Let us think about!
